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Saturday 24 March 2007


Hey guys!
We have to submit the physics worksheet on Chapter 4 Density!
The deadline is like... in 1 hours time.
and its 11pm now!

So. If you happen to see this.
Please go to edulearn and download the zip file and complete the worksheet
and submit it.
Maybe if you all see this tomorrow,
you all can send to Mrs Chiang's email?

I'm sorry for only posting it now.
I kind of think that, er, many people haven't done it yet.
SORRY! >_<

-liangjie O: bunman!

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scribbled by BUNMAN! :D; at 23:03;

Wednesday 21 March 2007

Class Tee Design

Please go to Class Forum to comment on the class tee design :D
All suggestions are welcomed.

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scribbled by 嘉裕 ジアユ JIAYU :]; at 21:47;

Tuesday 20 March 2007

Class Forum!

Hellos People
This is JIAYU, again. haha.

Anyway, I made a CLASS FORUM cos I thought that the tagboard isnt really enough to handle everything.

All members are invited to join! Just go http://th3a11iance.freeforums.org/ and register yourselves!

Application might be delayed though. :) HAVE FUN!

The forum can be used for:
- homework?
- discussions
- annoucements
- other random stuff x)

But, the blog will still be active, alright! The forum is just an addition. Though there might be time when it actually replaces the blog. We'll see.


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scribbled by 嘉裕 ジアユ JIAYU :]; at 22:43;

Monday 19 March 2007

Anime websites

Well this post is for guys (and girls) who love anime or planning to watch 1.

One Piece
www.vegapunk.com OR visit www.apforums.net for older episodes(search for it)
Death note
D-Gray Man

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scribbled by fightnki1l; at 20:50;

Sunday 18 March 2007

Happy birthday to YOU
Happy Birthday to You
Happy Birthday to za cao Andryl
Happy birthday to YOU

Happy birthday Andryl. Oh he isnt here, anyway just to show that we care

Jiayu: We'll sing another birthday song tml for you yubb? Samuel do take note. :D

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scribbled by fightnki1l; at 17:14;

Saturday 17 March 2007

slacking :X

ohh kay. everyone's chionging hw now. except me :X oh dear.
anyway, i decided to post some pictures of the sentosa outing here.

wooo the island at sentosa. :D

we all buried our legs in the sand! :D
clive made boobs with the sand around him :X horny!

our wonderful concoction! theres tofu, ginger, lots of wasabe, alot of soya sauce, and random veggies here and there, oh and a lemon. it looks quite yummy actually. :D



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scribbled by Draconis; at 15:46;

Friday 16 March 2007

Timetable, check asknlearn!

Click here for the timetable.

If you are lazy to check Asknlearn, that is our timetable for term 2! :)
Time to slack Geography hehe.


scribbled by Kenoriga; at 17:23;

Thursday 15 March 2007

so yeah.
we had our outing..
though some were late.. tsk tsk.
we still managed to have FUN under the sun.
and we basically got sandy instead of salty cos we didnt go pao hai

what we did do, was to buy this S$5 dollar ball which we can find in pasar malam, 3 for S$10 la
so ex in sentosa O.O all cos juinwen forgot bring class ball
play ball, then we went on sentosa express on e trip home
then we sakaed until 5
where xinyi, amanda, geyi TOTALLY MIXED the following:
  1. Ginger
  2. Wasabi
  3. Soy Sauce
  4. Somen sauce
  5. Some drinks
  6. Rice
probably would have laosai-ed the day after..
IF you drank it..

P.S. Please do 1.3 and 1.4 ALSO. I mean, Mrs. Ong said do these if we have time.
And its a guarantee that she will want us to do them next time.
might aswell do now and save all e trouble later on right?

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scribbled by j; at 19:11;

eh people cheer up okay?
especially to our dear clive, wangjun & jinguan.
its not that we dont want to go to the outings or whatever.
maybe some people who just find it inconvenient,
like yvonne who found it too far,
or some people who really cannot make it,
like peiru, jocelyn, geyi & jiayu who were all not feeling well.
shouldnt we just ask them to GET WELL SOON?
& for the previous post on CLIVE'S MESSAGE,
what if the parents really dont allow?
you cant expect us to go fang kang them right?
& please dont say threetwelve is lousy okay.
what about people like kaiying & ziting.
you are discriminating them.
you are also insulting their class.
& instead of critising that threeeleven is too studious,
unlike threetwelve who have more than three outings now already,
why not think of ways to build up the threeeleven spirit?
i agree with amanda,
we must believe in our class before doing anything.
you might as well appeal go threetweleve if you like it so much.
isnt that hurting our relationship more?
& we still got so many chances to stay together,
like the sec3 camp in june.
then we WILL have a class chalet in novemeber or december,
& of cos some outings like barbeques or whatever,
in june, september, november & december holidays.
its really possible you know.
as long as we are agreeable & co-operative,
why not?
& to build up our relationship between each & everyone of us,
we must try to break out from previous classes cliques & bond together okay.

*anyway some people commented that some posts are too hurting to the innocent.
maybe you can try rephrasing them in a nicer & advisable way.

P.S: why didnt sokteng tell us her birthday?
it was during school hours & none of us knew about it.

-hwele! [:


scribbled by Anonymous; at 17:52;

Reminders :D

Well, lets just put all the class outing stuff behind us. We can still have one after the holidays. Afterall, this holiday isnt really like a holiday. Thanks to the various other stuff that we have that eaten our supposedly wonderful holiday.

Reminders! :D
1. Bring your health booklet after school holidays! (which day i don`t know. Dek Guan didnt specify)
2. Your tablet will be formatted after the school holidays. So do remember to backup your data!!

I know its unfair that they get to format our comp. Afterall, we paid for our own tablet pc. I don`t see any reason behind that action. Its "ruthless". Takes them a few minutes to reformatt our comp, takes us a few HOURS to reinstall everything inside. Bleah. What can we do?

Oh btw, Bio 10 year series, you only have to do unit 1.1 to 1.2. NOT 1.1 to 1.4. Edited the Physics homework section too. I've changed the homework table that Wangjun had so kindly done up. (hope you don't mind :D)

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scribbled by 嘉裕 ジアユ JIAYU :]; at 17:08;

Wednesday 14 March 2007


actually. i think its abit unfair to say it this way?
i was planning on going you know. i even asked my mom and everything. yep.
perhaps we're still clique-y now but every class is different? it takes time for people to warm up and get to know each other? its not that bad you know.
its just that we tend to focus more on our studies, but is that really a bad thing?
we cant expect our class to be the same as 312?

i dunno about jinguan and clive, but i feel that instead of criticising whats wrong, maybe its better for us to work towards being more united?

being 311, we have our 311 style. :D JIAYOU EVERYONE! I BELIEVE IN THREEELEVEN (:


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scribbled by Draconis; at 22:11;

its been cancelled.

how about we review what was totally wrong about it.
i mean. maybe next time..
we can organise it during school days.
SO. everybody will know about it.
i mean, i personally didnt get the message until i checked the class blog
maybe we can find another medium through which we can transmit messages?
and please.

like what wangjun said.
pointless being the best ACADEMIC class.
and being so anti-social and all.
we're a class and we're gonna stay like that till 2008.

oh and urm
theres Express Chinese homework.
i just remembered:
Do the worksheet thing Ms. Wong(Hooi Sim) gave out. Not sure about what to do after reading it. can check with Liang Jie, hes the E. Chi. rep. after all!

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scribbled by j; at 20:05;

Tuesday 13 March 2007


in advance. haha. so here. Lets all sing a happy birthday song to brenda!

happy birthday to you,
happy birthday to you,
happy birthday to YOU!

-By Jiayu, and the whole three eleven! :)

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scribbled by 嘉裕 ジアユ JIAYU :]; at 22:23;

so class outing confirm anot. gee >.<

-hwele! [:

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scribbled by Anonymous; at 22:04;

Im so happy :D

to see that you all like the blog, and actually use it. (so often!)
Haha. just like Alvin said in the tagboard, its moving fast! x)

-To Amanda:
Yubb. Its really REALLY convenient for me. xD But even though it is, I still have no time slot avaliable for that trip over to check out the details. =X
Maybe we can discuss about the class tee after skl reopens? :D We can scan your original design, and maybe edit it to make it even better :D

-Tag replying: (to only tags that are relevant to me, and the blogskin xD)
liangjie: Thankyou (: Im glad you like it.
Alvin: yes, it is. Haha. thats why Im so happy. three eleven is getting so united xD
zhen yu: Yay. another who appreciates it. thankyou! (:
Peru: peru??? haha. thankyou, again. :D Happy holidays three eleven!
jin: I can move the three eleven link pic (: so it wont block the thing.
JiaLin: Sorry! I only put the birthdays that I know. And thankyou (:
peipei: Thankyou, again. haha. im sure that 3/11 will stay united, with the looks of things now ^^
wangjun: lol. its a combination of the female and male gender sign. The arrow (of the male gender sign) is blocked by the link pic. I'll change it.

JiaLin: I've put up the birthdays already :D Got the dates and names from Samuel :)
wangjun/jin: i've tried moving the pic, but it dun look right. so i've used a png. But in the linking thingie, I remained the jpg. So now the arrow can be seen. (:

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scribbled by 嘉裕 ジアユ JIAYU :]; at 20:23;

class tee

i have a friend who knows this shop that prints jerseys in queenstown ( very convenient for you right , jiayu? :D )

im thinking of editing the class tee design to make it nicer too. if anything, let me know! :D perhaps it would be nicer if the picture was designed in photoshop? yeah.


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scribbled by Draconis; at 16:23;

Monday 12 March 2007

Class Outing @ Sentosa this Thurs?

Clive (and Rachel) suggested a class outing this thursday at sentosa.
Anbody interested?

Details as follows (provided by our cliffylord xD):
- meet at harbourfront mrt at 11am
- lunch at sakae sushi *might be changed to suit majority x)
- bring extra clothes, you might (or rather most prob) get wet! :D

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scribbled by 嘉裕 ジアユ JIAYU :]; at 21:29;

Changed the banner :D

Hello! JiaYu here!

No amanda, im not receiving porn. lol! The other classes are like all having jerseys. lol. Maybe I can help you ask Jane on their supplier. They charge only $15/ jersey instead of $20 to $30. I'll get back to you yah.
I've changed the banner! I personally think that this is much better. lol. But this one no names on it. xD Seems that I have inspiration after a long day out. x)
Thankyou to Wangjun who have posted the homework stuff, you're so nice. lol. Help me grade on the banner also. x) Formatted the tagboard too. Those who want the username and pass for the tagboard at cbox.ws, just msn me yeah.

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scribbled by 嘉裕 ジアユ JIAYU :]; at 18:54;



jiayu is funny. she sounds like we're gonna send her porn or something. =X
D: lots of homework!

anyone know a supplier that prints dri-fit t-shirts?
dekguan is supposed to look for one. but he's being LAZY. :D

let me know if you do! ^^


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scribbled by Draconis; at 18:07;

Homeworks for Holidays

10-year-series [UNIT 1.1 to 1.2; There is no need to do essay questions.]

Unit 1.1A (page 2): Q. 5 - 8
Unit 1.1B (page 1): Q. 1 - 6
Unit 1.1B (page 3): Q. 1
Unit 1.2 (page 2): Q. 5 - 10
Unit 2 (page 5): Q. 1
(not confirmed)
MCY Comprehension [Practice Passage 1, pg 50; There is no need to do summary.]

Higher Chinese
Sheng Huo Shui Bi [Bao Zhang Bao Dao on any of the topics in the book bought]
Sheng Huo Shui Bi [Write on one good deed you have done]
Worksheet [The one on Wu Song Da Hu]

Elective Geography
Research [Find out why certain regions experience the four seasons and regions such as Singapore that experiences sunshine throughout the year.]
Chart [Create a shart similar to Geography textbook page 60, with expanded information]
A MathsExercise 3.1 [Q4,5,6,7,11,12]
Exercise 3.2 [Q1d,1f,1g,2,5,7,8,10,11d,12]
Do both on A Maths Book 1, remember to do corrections and write content page
ElectiveHistoryBook Review [On either, Animal Farm or Nineteen Eighty-Four(1984); Hand up by the first Friday after school reopens]

Kindly edit in any information I have missed out on.

Biology 10 year series only do till unit 1.2

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scribbled by Kenoriga; at 13:28;

To all the nice souls who have tagged :D

hellos again, its me, Jiayu.
Thankyou to all the people who have commented on the blogskin, and asked to help out.
I understand that the banner of the blogskin is too bright, and colourful. To be honest, I wasn't really happy with it either.
I was like sitting there, infront of my tablet, staring at the words "Th3 A11iance" and "Showing You Our Unity" with the blank background. Then I thought putting all our names there would be nice. So I did. Using the class relay system. So its not according to index number. Then, I stared blankly again. -.o But anyway, it would be a temporary blogskin because I think the main one would be one that has all our faces in it. As in, with pictures. Thats the difficulty of making the blogskin. No resources. haha.
Anyway, I have already invited the people whom I know their email addresses to post in the blog. Admin will be given later, based on our members' requirements. I have already increased the length, and breath of the tagboard. Yeah.

Tagg replying!
jamie: haha. thankyou (:
lynette: THREE ELEVEN! we shall be so united! "Showing you our unity!"
Alvin: Don't mention it. haha. Its my job, as a member of th3 a11iance. xD
wangjun: invited (:, banner has to be changed. but no ideas? and resources xO. tagboard formatting (:
HWELENG: I know. x( Gimme ideas and I'll change it :] black is not bad. But before I made this skin, i checked out other class blog's skins for inspiration. Black is not bad, but I think a lighter colour would be more matching, and looks cleaner and neater. More attractive xD
hwele: haha. thankyou!
amanda: :D i was like looking at the thing and decided it was too plain. so i added some stuff to spice it up a lil. glad you like it!
Alvin: Can you get any DUMBER? The blog is created in my account. Adding members to it has only one way. inviting them by sending invites via email. They have to have an blogger account. You want my username and password so much ah? -.o
liangjie: :D hello bunman! I agree too that the banner is too colourful (though thats what makes it eye catching). thankyou for commenting!

THANKYOU! so much for giving such constructive feedbacks and comments. not like that person who tagged as Anony. Though I cannot say that my work is great or whatever. I know that things always cannot please everyone. One man's food might be the other's poison. Im really happy that most of you think that is a rather nice skin. I will improve on it with time to come. In the meanwhile. SEND ME PICTURES! As long as they include 3/11 members :D

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scribbled by 嘉裕 ジアユ JIAYU :]; at 00:31;

Sunday 11 March 2007

YAY! I finished the blogskin already!

Yubb. I finally finished the blogskin! So I hit my own deadline of today!
But I think the blogskin will only be seen by you tml. haha.
Hopefully you all like it!! Do comment on my blogskin! I haven finish the bloglink picture yet. maybe later (:

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scribbled by 嘉裕 ジアユ JIAYU :]; at 00:44;

Friday 9 March 2007

threeeleven! <3

hello! This is Jiayu!
I will be making the blogskin for this blog tml. hopefully i can have it done in a day.
do tell me your email addresses if you want to join this blog. admin will also be given if wanted. ^^

Its gonna be the March Holis! and in order to let you guys keep updated with the homework and stuff that Mrs Chiang has uploaded, I thought a class blog would be good. (also considering that our class is a tablet pc class) :D

Do label your post (if you're in the new blogger) with your name, so people can check up your shout-outs with just a mouse click. label your post too, as annoucements, outings, CIP Project etc. Its good to get organised yeah!

So, lets start the threeeleven spirit!

p.s. i have no class pics. so sadly the blogskin wont have our faces in it. maybe we can take more class photos and photoshop it, making it into a great blogskin pic! start sending me pictures :)

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scribbled by 嘉裕 ジアユ JIAYU :]; at 22:04;


link us?
<a href="http://th3-a11iance.blogspot.com/"><img src="http://farm1.static.flickr.com/
181/417101253_14cf49142b_o.jpg"; border=0px></a>

consists of 40 members :D

Our Teachers :D
Form [A & E Math]: Ms. Wong Khai Shin(:
Co-form [English]: Mr. Kevin Nicholas Fonseka(:
Higher Mother Tongue: Liang Lao Shi(:
Express Mother Tongue: Huang Lao Shi(:
Chemistry: Mr. Nicholas Liu(:
Physics: Mrs. Chiang Fong Kwan(:
Biology: Mdm. Yong SF(:
Elective History: Mdm. Ameline Sia(:
Elective Geography: Mr. James Koh(:
Social Studies: Ms. Laura Khoo(:

Calendar :D

January :)
2nd. First Day of School

shout outs :O

exits ->

please note that links open in a new window :)


Hwe Le:)
Hwe Leng:)






turn to the past